Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Total Running Time: 4m, 06s
Date: 1989 (Approximate)

To view the movie, you must have Apple's Quicktime installed in your computer.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Total Running Time: 4m, 06s
Date: 1989 (Approximate)

To view the movie, you must have Real Player installed in your computer.


This was shot without moving the camera position (we weren't allowed), so it was very convenient that there were two breasts and the procedure includes isolating each breast during the operation. This allowed me to edit from either breast procedure to appear as one continuous process. On this shoot, I got lucky and didn't realize it until I was in the editing room. As for audio, it was captured with one shotgun position at the patient's feet and aimed to the operating area.

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